See You Online! Acing the virtual conference

April 30, 2021, 1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Conferences and meetings are in full virtual swing! Here at the Mass History Alliance, we’re in the midst of making sure this year’s Mass History Conference on June 7th will be a smashing success. Join MHA’s IT pundit Matt Friedman and Susan Grabski, executive director of the Lawrence History Center (Virtual Community Symposium: Public Safety in Lawrence on MAY 1!) for a chat about the do’s and don’ts of virtual conferencing. We’ll have a look behind the scenes as we share what we’re working on and how we’re meeting the opportunities and challenges of organizing an interactive virtual event.

Have you attended or organized a virtual conference? What worked, and what didn’t? Share your experiences, questions, and observations as we discuss the fun (and occasionally frustrating!) features of virtual conferencing, for the benefit of us all!

Registration is free. REGISTER HERE!

This Conversation will be livestreamed. We will do our best to monitor your questions and comments during the livestream. A recording will be publicly available in the Conversations on the Commons Archive.

Questions? Be in touch with Caroline Littlewood:

Conversations on the Commons

Where people from Massachusetts history organizations get to vent, empathize, laugh, complain, think, collaborate, brainstorm, plan, and in general be up to no good.