Archiving Your Gigabytes: Preserving COVID-19 and other digital collections
October 9, 2020, 1:00pm – 2:30pm
A Conversation with Veronica Martzahl, Digital Records Archivist at the Massachusetts Archives, and Kathie Gow, Curator of the Hatfield Historical Society
Covid-diaries, Zoom events, oral histories, social media. Under the COVID regime, the online activity is sending our digital footprints into the stratosphere. Not to mention everything else we already had and are developing. How do we archive and preserve it? How can we do it without breaking the bank and boggling the mind? Do you have a protocol? Do you collect and preserve facebook posts, web specials, and so forth? What are best practices and what can you make happen? What solutions have you found? What hurdles overcome? What are some of your questions and problems?
The conversation will be moderated by Pleun Bouricius. Registration is free.
This Conversation will be LIVESTREAMED. We will do our best to monitor your questions and comments during the livestream. A recording will be publicly available in the Conversations on the Commons Archive.
Questions? Be in touch with Caroline Littlewood:
Conversations on the Commons
Where people from Massachusetts history organizations get to vent, empathize, laugh, complain, think, collaborate, brainstorm, plan, and in general be up to no good.