History Funding from Local Cultural Councils: Talking through and workshopping LCC grant applications

November 6, 2020, 1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.

A Conversation with Ymelda Laxton, Assistant Curator at Scottish Rite Masonic Museum & Library

Outside of Boston, Local Cultural Councils are a good source of funding for programming for history organizations. Applications are due on November 16. What should you apply for? What makes an application likely to get funded? Join us for a conversation on cultural councils and their preferences. Plus, we’ll be workshopping applications! Bring your draft application as well as any priorities statements by your Local Cultural Council. (Check out online application information here!) Registration is free.


This Conversation will be livestreamed. We will do our best to monitor your questions and comments during the livestream. A recording will be publicly available in the Conversations on the Commons Archive.

Questions? Be in touch with Caroline Littlewood: commons@masshistoryalliance.org

Conversations on the Commons

Where people from Massachusetts history organizations get to vent, empathize, laugh, complain, think, collaborate, brainstorm, plan, and in general be up to no good.